MCQs for Auditing, Accounting & Banking Test
Hey, my readers, Today I am going to share with you a comprehensive Auditing MCQs pdf guides, by going through these mcqs you can easily prepare yourself for any Job exam/interview related to Auditing, Accounting & Banking. These Pdfs contain very important multiple choice questions which frequently ask in any test/exam or interview. The pdf also contains the solved answer key which helps you to identify the right answer.
Download here:
Auditing MCQs
- Principles of Auditing Mcqs
Cost Accounting MCQs
- Financial Management MCQs
Mix 150 Accounting and Auditing MCQs
Senior Auditor Test Preparation Book by waince
Basic Arithmetic MCQs
Important Economic MCQs
Functional English MCQs
Public Procurement Rules 2004
Interview Preparation
- Interview Preparation for the Post of Senior Auditors
Important Basic Terms of Accounting & relevant terms for Interview
Schemes and Syllabus for Screening/Professional Tests for the post of Senior Auditor
Objective Type Test (MCQ) | Objective Type Test (MCQ) |
Part-I English =20 marks Part-II Professional Test =80 marks |
Part-I Grammar Usage, Sentence Structuring Part-II
Result of Senior Auditor Aug-2017 Exam:
Click here to see the list of selected persons for Screening Test.
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