9 Organizational Behaviors You Need to Know
Which leader are you? Which leader do you want to be?
Organizational behaviors often cited: Leadership is the art of influencing others: organizational behavior that has become essential in today’s professional world. This book details the main theories as well as the different styles of leadership. It also unveils the characteristics of leaders today. You will also learn what emotional intelligence is and how important it is.
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What are HR practices?
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What practices exist to recruit an employee? Should we evaluate our employees? To do what? Like evaluating an employee? What is there? You will find various practices with their explanations and you will have the elements to understand the organizational behaviors of your company.
Power and Politics in Business
Organizational elements often obscured: what places for power and politics in the company?
A person has power over you if it controls something you desire. Stephen Robbins explains what the basics of power are and what kinds of power exist in companies.
Policies within firms are activities that influence the distribution of benefits or resources. What are the political behaviors? What are the factors that lead people to adopt political behavior?
Conflicts and Negotiations
Unable to ignore organizational behaviors such as conflicts.
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Decision Making
We want to believe that our decision-making corresponds to rational organizational behavior. The process of rational decision-making involves choosing criteria, evaluating them, examining several solutions and choosing the best. In fact, we also have prejudices, biases, and cultural differences.
Finally, organizational constraints may hamper rational decision-making, for example, the bonus system or the performance appraisal system.
The organizational structure of the company
The organizational structure of a company corresponds to the division of tasks, their regrouping, and coordination. Stephen Robbins describes six characteristics: combined, they will give common organizations like bureaucracy or matrix organization.
Each of these organizations will be used effectively in different contexts and the behaviors are different from one organization to another.
Organizational culture
There is a lot of talk about culture and we are beginning to realize that many mergers and acquisitions have failed for cultural reasons, whereas on paper the project promised great success.
To understand what a corporate culture is, Stephen Robbins uses seven behaviors risk-taking and innovation, attention to detail, attention to results, and attention to people, attention to work Team, violence, and stability.
S. Robbins explains the function of corporate culture and how corporate culture can be barriers to change.
Managing Change
If there is at least one organizational behavior that must be managed, that is the one.
What are the forces of change at work? Why the resistance to change, how to overcome it? What are the existing models?
Stress at work
This organizational behavior cannot be ignored. Stress occurs when you are faced with a problem or a requirement that results in both significant and uncertain. S. Robbins proposes to understand the stress and its consequences.